The versions of the articles posted in this personal website are those allowed by the contracts with each
individual publishers
Publisher webpage C. Sellar, G. Battisti (2023) Geopolitical Perspectives from the Italian Border Introducing Gianfranco Battisti, Triestino geographer . Springer Cham, xi-136 p. ISBN: 978-3-031-26043-8.
Publisher webpage S. Grandi, C. Sellar, J. Jafri (eds.) (2019) Geofinance between Political and Financial Geographies: A Focus on the Semi-Periphery of the Global Financial System. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 264 p. ISBN: 978 1 78990 384 3.
Articles, commentaries, and editorials
Open source article S. Grandi, C. Sellar (2021) Geofinance Between Policies, Banking and Foreign Trade: An Analysis of the Italian Banking System Across Borders and Firms Internationalization Behavior Geoprogress Journal 8 (1), 39-58
This is a pre-print version of J.P. Berns, M. Gondo, C. Sellar (2020) Whole country-of-origin network development abroad Journal of International Business Studies published online November 11, 2020 [URL]
Publisher webpage C. Sellar (ed.), M. Jones, J. Wang, C. Gaffney, J. Painter, M. Kuus, P. Adams, S. Moisio (2020) Reading Sami Moisio’s Geopolitics of the Knowledge-Based Economy Political Geography published online May 8, 2020 [URL]
This is a pre-print version C. Sellar (2018) “Transnationalizing bureaucracies through investment promotion: the case of Informest” Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space published online July 12, 2018 [URL]
This is a pre-print version. The version of record of this manuscript has been published and is available as C. Sellar, T. Lan, U. Poli (2017) “The geo-economics/politics of Italy’s investment promotion community” Geopolitics published online August 8, 2017 [URL]
Open source article: T. Lan, C. Sellar, S. Cheng (2016) “The transnational investment promotion community between Italy and China: an example of post Washington consensus neoliberalism.” J-Reading. Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography. 5:2, 35-40; published online December 2016 [URL]
This is a pre-print version. C. Sellar, R. Pastor (2015) Mutating neoliberalism: the promotion of Italian investors in Slovakia before and after the global financial crisis International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 39:2, 342-360; published online: 18 JUN 2015 | DOI: 10.1111/1468-2427.12210
This is a pre-print version. C. Sellar (2014) Building a transnational fusion bureaucracy? A study of state officials and opinion leaders in Rousse (Bulgaria) and Transcarpathia (Ukraine) Geopolitics 19:3, 540-564, published online 9 May 2014, DOI: 10.1080/14650045.2014.883381
This is a pre-print version S. Hirt, C. Sellar, C.Young (2013) Editorial: Neoliberal Doctrine Meets the Eastern Bloc: Resistance, Appropriation, and Purification in Post-socialist Spaces Europe-Asia Studies 65: 7, 1243-1254, DOI:10.1080/09668136.2013.822711
This is a pre-print version C. Sellar (2015) Italian banks and business services as knowledge pipelines for SMEs: Examples from Central and Eastern Europe. European Urban and Regional Studies 22. 1, 41-60; published online 10 December 2012, DOI: 10.1177/0969776412465628
This is a pre-print version C. Sellar (2013) Europeanizing Timisoara: neoliberal reforms, continuity with the past, and unexpected side effects. GeoJournal, 78:1, 1-19, published online 29 June 2011 DOI: 10.1007/s10708-011-9421-y
This is a pre-print version C. Sellar, L. McEwen (2011) A cosmopolitan analysis of the contradictions in EU Regional and Enlargement policies as drivers of Europeanization European Urban and Regional Studies, 18:3, 289-305.
This is a pre-print version C. Sellar, Emilova, M. Petkova-Tancheva, C. McNeil, K. (2011) Cluster Policies in Bulgaria: European integration, post socialist dynamics, and local level initiatives. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 35:2, 358–78
This is a pre-print version C. Sellar (2009) From ‘Exotic’ to ‘Familiar.’ Italian Textile and Clothing Firms and the Shifting Perception of Eastern Europe Journal of Cultural Geography 26: 3, 327-348.
This is the published version C. Sellar (2009) Breaking Anglo American Hegemony: An Italian success story? Est-Ovest, n. 3, September.
This is a pre-print version C. Sellar, J. Pickles (2002) “Where Will Europe End? Ukraine and the Limits of European Integration” Eurasian Geography and Economics, n. 2, pp. 123-142.
Other publications - pre print versions unless otherwise indicated
C. Sellar (2019) Book review “Rethinking Skilled Migration”. By Micheline Van Riemsdijk and Quingfang Wang (eds.). Routledge, London and New York, 2017. Forthcoming in Southeastern Geographer
Open source C. Sellar, T. Lan (2019) “Banks, Services, and the State: the infrastructure supporting Italian SMEs abroad” in Salvatore, F. (ed.) Atti del XXXII Congresso geografico italiano “L’apporto della geografia tra rivoluzioni e riforme”[Proceedings of the 32nd Italian Geography Congress “the contribution of grography between revolutions and reforms] Bologna: Associazione dei Geografi Italiani (AGeI) [URL]
Open source C. Sellar (2018) Conceptual barriers in Anglo American geography’s treatments of the State: examples from 20th century Italy. in Fuschi M. (ed), Barriere/Barriers, Società di studi geografici. Memorie geografiche NS 16, pp. 49-56
C. Sellar (2018) Book review. Making Other Worlds Possible: Performing Diverse Economies By Gerda Roelvink, Kevin St. Martin, and J.K. Gibson-Graham (eds.). University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis (MN) and London, 2015. Southeastern Geographer 58:1.
Sellar, C. (2012) Book review. Regional Transformation Processes in the Western Balkan Countries, Regional Studies, 46:1, 149-150
Sellar C. (2012) Book review. Tashkent. Forging a Soviet city (1930-1966). Journal of Urban Technology, DOI:10.1080/10630732.2011.648444
C. Sellar, (2010) Outsourcing, in Encyclopedia of Geography. SAGE Publications.
C. Sellar (2009) Book review: From Communists to Foreign Capitalists: The Social Foundations of Foreign Direct Investments in Postsocialist Europe, by Nina Bandelj Economic Geography 85: 4, pp. 487-488.
C. Sellar, C. Staddon, C. Young (2009) Editorial. Twenty years after the Wall: Geographical imaginaries of “Europe” during European Union enlargement. Journal of Cultural Geography 26:3, 253-258.
C. Sellar (2007) Towards a local model for the internationalization of Italian firms in Eastern Europe EGRG Working Paper 02.07. Available online